deBridge ARB Horizon is now live!

In our vision to interconnect DeFi and shrink cross-chain boundaries, we’re thrilled to introduce deBridge ARB Horizon, a growth initiative for users and projects in the deBridge ecosystem distributing a 1,000,000 ARB grant received from the Arbitrum Foundation. More details about the grant can be found in our LTIP application post.
Over the course of 12 weeks, we will distribute 1M ARB tokens (roughly $1 million as of the date of this post) among deBridge solvers and users of the deBridge app and of projects that have integrated with deBridge Widget, deBridge APIand used deBridge infrastructure to bridge to/from Arbitrum.
The grant is used to rebate fees and gas expenses for users bridging liquidity to the Arbitrum ecosystem.
We will publish detailed reports on the ARB distribution bi-weekly on our social media and through this public folder.
The grant is split over 6 time periods with the first being one week long starting on June 10th, and the rest two-weeks long, starting June 17th, July 1st, July 15th, July 29th, Aug 12th, respectively, with the whole campaign finishing on August 25th. 166,666.6 ARB is to be distributed for each period based on a first-come first-serve basis, as rebates are to be suspended until the end of the period (once 166,666.6 ARB are fully used within each specified time window).
Reports for each period passed are to be published on the following dates:
June 17th, July 1st, July 15th, July 29th, Aug 12th, Aug 26th.
The ARB Horizon initiative starts on June 10 at 1600 UTC, we welcome dApps to integrate with deBridge and enable zero-cost bridging as well as protocol fees rebates for their users by participating in the ARB Horizon campaign.
Starting June 17, deBridge points will not be awarded for transfers to/from Arbitrum where transfers qualify for fee rebates. We’re doing this to ensure the ARB Horizon rebate campaign supports blockchain ecosystems by onboarding organic users.
How does it work? A step-by-step guide
Every time you bridge to/from Arbitrum via deBridge or one of our ecosystem partners, you receive a fee rebate based on your activity. The 166,666.6 ARB rebate is allocated for each of the six time periods on a first-come-first-served basis (FCFS) until the entire grant has been distributed to users and projects in the deBridge ecosystem.
Once we hit the threshold, rebates are to be turned off for the remainder of the corresponding period.
Any cross-chain trade has the following costs paid by users:
- Gas costs to initiate intent/trade
- deBridge fees: fixed fee + 4bps variable fee
Spread of the trade that consists of:
- Market maker operating expenses (including gas)
- Market maker incentive (4bps)
- Call data execution and integration partner fees (if the trade is initiated through Arbitrum-based apps and users are paying the protocol fee within the same intent).
To prevent abuse, the total rebate for the transfer shouldn’t exceed 5% of its USD equivalent.
Trades to Arbitrum
For all the bridging trades made to Arbitrum from any of our supported chains, you will receive the entire fee amount as an ARB rebate. For example, if you paid $4 to bridge from Polygon to Arbitrum (in total, including variable (4bps) and fixed fee), you will receive $4 worth of fee rebates in ARB.
It’s important to note that transaction fees (gas costs) for both users and takers will be rebated in full in ARB tokens as well. Also, the spread is reduced by 4 bps of the taker incentive as market makers are incentivized in ARB tokens from the grant. To verify the exact amount of fees to be rebated, hover the mouse over the "Fees Rebate" badge.
Please note that starting June 17, deBridge points will not be accrued for transfers to/from Arbitrum where the transfers qualify for fee rebates.
Trades from Arbitrum
If you move out of Arbitrum, the fee rebate will be half of the overall onboarding fee (including variable fee (2bps) and fixed fee) that was paid. For example, if you paid $4 to bridge from Arbitrum to Polygon, you will receive $2 in ARB as a fee rebate on the source chain (Arbitrum). In short, half of the cost components will be rebated when moving out from Arbitrum.
Takers who fulfill intents will also receive operating expenses rebates in ARB tokens as well as a standard incentive (4bps for inflows, and 2bps for outflows).
By incentivizing takers as well, we provide an improved user experience and better rates as takers will provide a tighter spread as they are incentivized in ARB instead of charging a spread.
It is important to note that points will not be accrued for transfers to/from Arbitrum where the transfers are eligible for fee rebates.
How can I receive my fee rebate?
All eligible users will automatically receive the fee rebates after the corresponding period is finished. If your wallet ha qualified, you will receive the rebate to your Arbitrum wallet that initiated or received the trade – easy and seamless.
For more details on the grant structure, please read our proposal here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- What is deBridge ARB Horizon?
ARB Horizon is an initiative to drive awareness for the Arbitrum chain by distributing one million in ARB fee rebates across the deBridge ecosystem, a grant received from the Arbitrum Foundation. - How is the distribution taking place?
Any eligible wallet will automatically receive the fee rebate on a bi-weekly basis. We’ll also publish a spreadsheet via our socials with the fee rebate details once every 2 weeks until the campaign ends. - How are the fee rebates calculated?
The fee rebates are calculated based on the underlying bridge costs associated with the transfer. For example, if you paid $4 in fees when bridging from Optimism to Arbitrum, you will receive $4 worth of fee rebates in ARB. - Are transfers out of Arbitrum included?
Only 50% of the total cost will be rebated if you transfer out of Arbitrum. - Will I earn deBridge points for transfers to/from Arbitrum?
deBridge Points have already been awarded for the first cycle that started on June 10 and ended on June 11 (FCFS). Starting June 17, deBridge points will not be awarded for transfers to/from Arbitrum if the trades qualify for fee rebates. - Is there a maximum cap of rebates that I can receive?
No, there is no maximum cap for users. The fee rebate is based on the total fees paid for the transaction. - How long will the Arbitrum Horizon campaign last?
The fee rebate period lasts until we have distributed (FCFS) the entire ARB grant to users and projects in the deBridge ecosystem. - What’s the cap per period?
deBridge will allocate a max of 166,666 ARB every two weeks which will be available on a FCFS basis. Once we hit the threshold, we will manually turn off the rebates for the remainder of the period (two weeks). - How can you prevent abuse of the initiative?
To prevent abuse, the total rebate for the transfer shouldn't exceed 5% of its USD equivalent. - How can I get support?
If you have any questions, please open a ticket in our Discord so we can help you out.